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Brendan Gregg

vmstat output description

Procs (Processes)

  • r: The number of runnable processes (running or waiting for run time).
  • b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep. These are processes that are waiting for some I/O access, like disk or network activity.


  • swpd: The amount of virtual memory used (in KB).
  • free: The amount of idle memory (in KB).
  • buff: The amount of memory used as buffers (in KB).
  • cache: The amount of memory used as cache (in KB).


  • si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (in KB per second).
  • so: Amount of memory swapped out to disk (in KB per second).


  • bi: Blocks received from a block device (blocks input per second).
  • bo: Blocks sent to a block device (blocks output per second).


  • in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock.
  • cs: The number of context switches per second.


  • us: User time. The time the CPU has spent running users’ processes that are not niced.
  • sy: System time. The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.
  • id: Idle time. The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.
  • wa: Wait time. The time the CPU has spent waiting for I/O to complete.
  • st: Steal time. The amount of CPU ‘stolen’ from this virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks (such as running another virtual machine).
sar -q output description
  • runq-sz: This is the run queue size (the number of tasks waiting for run time, the number of processes that are currently executing or waiting to execute).
  • plist-sz: This is the number of tasks in the task list: the total number of tasks managed by the Linux scheduler. This includes running tasks, sleeping tasks, stopped tasks, and zombies.

USE Method & Checklist

Terminology definitions:

  • resource: all physical server functional components (CPUs, disks, busses, …) [1]
  • utilization: the average time that the resource was busy servicing work [2]
  • saturation: the degree to which the resource has extra work which it can’t service, often queued
  • errors: the count of error events


  • system-wide:
    • vmstat 1, sum: us + sy + st
    • sar -u, sum fields except %idle and %iowait
    • dstat -c, sum fields except idl and wai;
  • per-cpu:
    • mpstat -P ALL 1, sum fields except %idle and %iowait
    • sar -P ALL, same as mpstat
  • per-process:
    • top, check: %CPU
    • htop, check: CPU%
    • ps -o pcpu
    • pidstat 1, check: %CPU
  • per-kernel-thread:
    • top/htop (K to toggle), where VIRT == 0 (heuristic)
  • system-wide:
    • vmstat 1, where r > CPU count
    • sar -q, where runq-sz > CPU count
    • dstat -p, where run > CPU count
  • per-process:
    • /proc/PID/schedstat 2nd field (sched_info.run_delay);
    • perf sched latency (shows “Average” and “Maximum” delay per-schedule)
    • dynamic tracing, eg, SystemTap schedtimes.stp “queued(us)
  • perf (LPE) if processor specific error events (CPC) are available eg, AMD64’s “04Ah Single-bit ECC Errors Recorded by Scrubber”


  • system-wide:
    • free -m, check: Mem: (main memory), Swap: (virtual memory)
    • vmstat 1, check: free (main memory), swap (virtual memory)
    • sar -r, check: %memused
    • dstat -m, check: free
    • slabtop -s c for kmem slab usage
  • per-process:
    • top/htop, RES (resident main memory), VIRT (virtual memory), Mem for system-wide summary
  • system-wide:
    • vmstat 1, si/so (swapping)
    • sar -B, pgscank + pgscand (scanning)
    • sar -W
  • per-process:
    • 10th field (min_flt) from /proc/PID/stat for minor-fault rate, or dynamic tracing [5]
    • OOM killer: dmesg | grep killed
  • dmesg for physical failures
  • dynamic tracing, eg, SystemTap uprobes for failed malloc()s


  • sar -n DEV 1, rxKB/s/max txKB/s/max
  • ip -s link, RX/TX tput / max bandwidth
  • /proc/net/dev, bytes RX/TX tput/max
  • nicstat, %Util [6]
  • ifconfig, overruns, dropped
  • netstat -s, segments retransmited
  • sar -n EDEV, drop and fifo metrics
  • /proc/net/dev, RX/TX drop
  • nicstat Sat [6]
  • dynamic tracing for other TCP/IP stack queueing [7]
  • ifconfig, errors, dropped
  • netstat -i, RX-ERR/TX-ERR
  • ip -s link, errors
  • sar -n EDEV, rxerr/s txerr/s
  • /proc/net/dev, errs, drop
  • extra counters may be under /sys/class/net/…
  • dynamic tracing of driver function returns 76]

Storage device I/O

  • system-wide:
    • iostat -xz 1, %util
    • sar -d, %util
  • per-process:
    • iotop
    • pidstat -d
    • /proc/PID/sched se.statistics.iowait_sum
  • iostat -xnz 1, avgqu-sz > 1, or high await
  • sar -d same
  • LPE block probes for queue length/latency
  • dynamic/static tracing of I/O subsystem (incl. LPE block probes)
  • smartctl
  • dynamic/static tracing of I/O subsystem response codes [8]