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a- be- con- de- dis- en- un-
aback become concede deactivate disband enable unabated
abet because conceive debark - disembark disciple enacts unable
abide bedeck - adorn concentration debase disconcert encamp unabridged
ablaze - afire - aflame bedevil concentric debate discontent encased unaccented
across bedraggled concession decadence discourse enchain unadorned
adrift befall conciliate decamp discursive enchant - enchanting unadulterated
afield before concur decant disembark encircle unafraid
afloat befriend concurrent deceased disembodied enclose unalterable
afoot beget condense decided disenchantment encode unbecoming !!!
afore - aforementioned - aforesaid - aforethought begrudge condescend declaim disengage encompass unbelief
afoul beguile conduce declare disentangle encore unbend
afresh - anew behalf conducive decline disequilibrium encounter unblushing
agape behave conduct decompose disfavour encourage unburden
aglow behead confederate decoupling disfigure encrypt unchaste
ahead behest conference - confer decreased disgorge encumber unerring
alight - alighted behind - hindsight confide decree disgraces endanger unfazed - unruffled?
alike behold confine decry disguise endear unfeeling
alive behove confirm deduce disheartened endive unframed
aloft bejewelled confluence deduct disincentive endurance unfrequented
alone belabour conform deface disinclination enfeeble unheeded
along belated confound defame disingenuous enfold unhinged
aloud belittle confraternity default disinterest enforce unhistorical
amass beloved confrère defeat disjoined engage unhitched
amend bemoan confront defect dislodge engender unholy
amidst bemused confuses defend disloyal engrave unhurt
amiss bender !!! congenial deference - defiance dismantle engross unlatched
amongst beneath congestion deferment dismember engulfs unostentatious
amuse benumbing congress deficient disobedience enjoin unpremeditated
apace bequest - bequeath conjoining - conjoint - conjunction defy disobeying enjoy unpropitious
apart berated conjurer define disown enkindle unquiet
apiece besets connotations definite dispassionate enlarge unremunerative
aplenty beside conquest deformation dispatch enlighten unrequited !!!
aright besmeared conscience deformed disperse enlists unresectable
arise beseech consensus defray - refund displease enliven unreserved
around bespeak consent defuse dispose ennoble unresisted
ascribe bespoke consequence degenerate dispraise enough unresisting
ashamed bestow conserve degrade disproved enrage unresolvable
ashore betake consider dejected disquiet enrich unresolved
aside bethink considerable delay disregard enroll unresponsive
askew betide consign delegate disrepute enroute unresponsiveness
aslant betoken consist deliberate disrobe ensemble unresting
asleep betray conspire delight dissection enshrine - perpetuate unrestrained
aspire betroth constant delimit dissent enshrouded unrestricted
astringent between constitution delineate dissentient ensign unrevealed
asunder betwixt constrain deliver dissevered enslave unrevealing
atone bewail constrict deluxe dissimilar ensnare unrewarded
avenue beware construct demand dissolute ensue unrighteous
averse bewilder consumer demise distally ensure unripe
avert bewitch contains demystify distaste entail unsavoury
avoid beyond contemplate denial distemper entangle unseaworth
avowed contempt denote distend entire unsere
await contend denounce disunited entitle unshackled
awake contest depart entrain unsparing
awhile continue depend entrap unstained
contoured depicts entreat unstinting
contract deplete entree unstratified
contrary deploy entrench unstructured
contribute deposit entrust unsubdued
contrite depredation entwine untainted
control depress envelope untenable
convenient deprive envious untenanted
converge derail envision untested
convolution derange enticing - entice unthankful
confection derelict - ramshackle unthinkable
conflating deride unthinking
contrive derive unthought
descent unthreatening
describe untidy
desert untied
deserve untill
design untimely
desire untrodden
desist unvaried
despite unvarnished
despoil - detract unwarily
despot unwavering
detain unwell
determinate - determine unyielding
ex- out- over- re- up- bi-
exclaim outbound overabundance relapse upbeat biaxial
exempted outbreak overarching reverie upbraid bicycle
exhale outburst overbalance reawakening upcoming bidirectional
exhort outcast overbearing rebate update bifocal
expend outcome overcome recherche upfront bilateral
expense outcry overconfidence reenactment upgrade bilinear
expert outcrop overconsumption regale upheaval bilingual
expire outdoors overcooked rekindle reawaken uphill bimodal
explain outflank overcrowded rekindled uphold bimonthly
explosive outgoing overdependence relish upland binary
export outgrow overdosing remorse uplift biphasic
expose outgun overdrafts reproach uploading biplane
expositions outhouse overestimate requite uppity bipolar
expostulate outlast overexposure resent upraise biracial
expound outline overhauled resound upright bisector
express outlive overlap retain uprise biserial
extant outlook overlook retort upriver bisexual
extempore outlying overreach retorts uproar bishop
extend outnumber overshadow reverie upsala biweekly
extent outpace overshoot revivify upside
exterior outpatient oversight reawakening upslope
exterminate outperform overstated resection upstage
extinct outrage overstep upstairs
extort outreach overstrain upstart
extract outright oversubscribed upstream
extradition outshine overtaking uptake
extremely outsider overthrow uptight
outskirts overvalued uptown
outsmart overwhelming upturn
outsource overwinter upwind
outspoken overworked
outspread overwrought
cor- apo- il- def- ef- manu- omni
correlate apolipoprotein illicit deflate efface manufactory omnipotent
correspond apomorphine illiterate deflect effete manuscript omnipresence
aponeurotic illumine defrayed effluent manumission omniscience
on- arch- by- ever- equi- for- mal-
onboard archbishop bygone ever-changing equivalences forbear to not do malabsorption
oncoming archpriest byline evergreens equidistant forgo to not do malcontent
ongoing archdeacon bypass ever-growing equilateral forsakes malformed
onrush archdiocese byproduct ever-increasing equivalence forsooth malfunction
archangels bystander everlasting equipotential forswear malnourished
byways equivalent malpractice
byword maltreat
ac- af- al- app- down- as- back-
accede affable allocate appealing downsizing ascent backsliding
acclaim affair allure appear downstream ascertain backgammon
accompany affirm altered appease downloaded aspire background
account affixes alterman append - prepend downgraded assail backscatter
accredit affluent almost applaud - plaudits downtrodden assemble - semblance backwoodsmen
accumulate afflux already applying downloading assent backbreaking
accustom affray although appointment downstairs assented backstairs
acknowledge affront altogether appraise assert backhanded
acquaint afther always approach assess backcountry
acquiescence approval assign
acquis - quisling assorted
acquit assure
co- dia- em- fore- im-
coeducation diagenesis ematter foreboding immanent
coefficient dialogue embark foreclose immense
coequal diathesis embattled forefather impair
coexist diametric embitter forefinger impale
cofactor dialysate emblazoned foregather impalpable
cofounded diachronically embody foreknowledge impart
cogently diatonic embrace forementioned impatient
cohere diacritical embroil forerunner impede - impediment
coincidence diapause emetic foresee impending
coinsurance diatribes employ foreshadow imperfect
coital diagrammatically empower forestall imperil
cooperate diameter empress impermeable
coordinate diatribe impersonate
copious dialogical impertinent
coprocessor dialogic impiety
cosine diagnostic impose
covalent diagenetic impound
covariance improper
in- mis- ob- sur-
inalienable miscarry object surcharge
inanimate misapprehension obligation surfaces
inapparent misappropriate obliterate surficial
inapposite mischance oblong surmount
incongruous mischief obnoxious surname
inconspicuous misconceived obscene surpass
indolent misdemeanour observe surplus
induct misdoing - misdeed obsess surprise
inexplicable misfire - backfire obstruct surrealism
inmost misfortune obtain surrender
innate misgiving obverse surround