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Reporting Verbs — [1], [2]


  • advises


Weaker position

  • admits
  • concedes

Neutral position

  • accepts
  • acknowledges
  • agrees
  • concurs
  • confirms
  • recognises

Stronger position

  • applauds
  • congratulates
  • extols
  • praises
  • supports

argument and persuasion

Weaker position:

  • apologises

Neutral position:

  • assures
  • encourages
  • interprets
  • justifies
  • reasons

Stronger position:

  • alerts
  • argues - row - bicker
  • boasts
  • contends
  • convinces
  • emphasises
  • exhorts
  • forbids
  • insists
  • proves
  • promises
  • persuades
  • threatens
  • warns


Weaker position:

  • guesses
  • hopes
  • imagines

Neutral position:

  • believes
  • claims
  • declares
  • expresses
  • feels
  • holds
  • knows
  • maintains
  • professes
  • subscribes to
  • thinks see think

Stronger position:

  • asserts
  • guarantees
  • insists
  • upholds

disagreement and questioning

Weaker position:

  • doubts
  • questions

Neutral position:

  • challenges
  • debates
  • disagrees
  • questions
  • requests
  • wonders

Stronger position:

  • accuses
  • attacks
  • complains
  • contradicts
  • criticises
  • denies
  • discards
  • disclaims
  • discounts
  • dismisses
  • disputes
  • disregards
  • negates
  • objects to
  • opposes
  • see refute
  • confound
  • rejects


Weaker position:

  • alleges
  • intimates
  • speculates

Neutral position:

  • advises
  • advocates
  • hypothesises
  • posits
  • postulates
  • proposes
  • suggests
  • theorises

Stronger position:

  • asserts
  • recommends
  • urges


  • concludes
  • discovers
  • finds
  • infers
  • realises


  • articulates
  • clarifies
  • explains


  • adds


Weaker position:

  • confuses

Neutral position:

  • comments
  • defines
  • describes
  • estimates
  • forgets
  • identifies
  • illustrates
  • implies
  • informs
  • instructs
  • lists
  • mentions
  • notes
  • observes
  • outlines
  • points out
  • presents
  • remarks
  • reminds
  • reports
  • restates
  • reveals
  • shows
  • states
  • studies
  • tells
  • uses

Stronger position:

  • announces
  • promises

evaluation and examination

Neutral position:

  • analyses
  • appraises
  • assesses
  • compares
  • considers
  • contrasts
  • critiques
  • evaluates
  • examines
  • investigates
  • understands

Stronger position:

  • blames
  • complains
  • ignores
  • scrutinises
  • warns


Weaker position:

  • comment

Neutral position:

  • discusses
  • explores

Stronger position:

  • reasons


  • accentuates
  • emphasises
  • highlights
  • stresses
  • underscores
  • warns

Other ways of talking


  • answer
  • fear
  • repeat
  • reply
  • swear
  • beg - beseech - lickspittle - fawn - groveling - blarney - truckle - obsequiously - plead - supplication - implore - ingratiate - adulation - tug/touch your forelock - carny
  • demand
  • prefer
  • decide
  • narrate


  • Bellowed
  • Snapped
  • Cautioned


  • Consoled
  • Comforted
  • Soothed


  • Babbled
  • Gushed
  • Exclaimed


  • Stammered
  • Gasped
  • Screamed


  • Declared
  • Insisted
  • Commanded


  • Sighed
  • Gushed
  • Laughed


  • Sneered
  • Scolded
  • Glowered


  • Teased
  • Chortled
  • Guffawed


  • Recalled
  • Resumed


  • Indoctrinate - didactic - edifying - sententious - preaching - give a piece of my mind
  • grunt
  • inveigh - vituperation - fulminate - diatribe - blasphemy - pejorative - obscenity - castigate - objurgate - berate - scold - upbraid - reproach - vilify
  • Ant: puffery - encomium - rave reviews - rave - carol - belaud - praise - see ingratiate
  • expostulate - coax - persuade - wrangle
  • harangue
  • drawl
  • pertinent
  • Interject
  • eloquent - silver-tongued
  • brachylogy
  • verbiage - logomachy
  • titter
  • bicker
  • malapropism
  • pretext - ostensibly - allegedly
  • derision
  • vitriolic - caustic - mordant - acerbic - quip - demur - retort - snappish. banter - derisively - quip - jest - kidding - droll on - see funny - jocular - jesting
  • Question - demur: I agreed without demur.
  • deject
  • adduce (see explain)
  • pliable - malleable - lithe
  • disparage
  • question - impugn
  • candidly - forthright
  • profess
  • susurration - murmuration - mussitation - muttering - mumbling
  • ululate
  • paralogize - ultracrepidarian - kibitzer - bloviate - bandy about/around
  • see lie
  • See Describe
  • see bid
  • twaddle
  • gruffly
  • brusque
  • disquisition - report
  • wail
  • admonish - injunction - premonition - reprimand
  • purportedly - presumably - supposedly
  • hoot
  • prattle away


  • could not get a word in edge-ways
  • talk at cross purposes
  • needs a good talking to
  • talking shop
  • run that by me one more time
  • could not make head or tail of ....
  • get the wrong end of stick


inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, dispute Tell - disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, repeat, squabble