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Common words with uncommon meaning

the like of somebody, and the like.
to that end
purpose, in order to do it, longman.
to defeat the ills brought about by…
to want, longman
to shape or make something, using your hands or only a few tools: Children my own age didn’t fashion complicated attacks.
compound exacerbate, deteriorate
to make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems?
to go to a particular place often.
spare lean
someone who is spare is tall and thin, a spare style of writing, painting etc is plain or basic and uses nothing unnecessary.
second support, countenance
formally support a suggestion made by another person in a meeting.
directly and definitely: flat refusal, longman.
to become tired or weak. see tired. longman.
to become stronger again after a period of weakness or defeat, convalescent. longman.
smart as a verb
pain, hurts: She was still smarting from the insult. My eyes were smarting with the smoke. longman.
only: This is but one example of what can happen when things go badly wrong. It’s going to be difficult. Anyway, we can but try. longman.
written to separate from someone, or end a relationship with them. longman.
features visage
a part of someone’s face, such as their eyes, nose etc. countenance, visage. longman.
scores of something
a lot of people or things. longman.
bid somebody good afternoon
to greet someone. longman.
paying careful attention to the smallest details SYN (see) meticulous. longman.
to supply or provide something. longman.
while away the hours/evening/days
to spend time in a pleasant and lazy way. longman.
faculty for
a particular skill that someone has SYN talent. longman.
have/make common cause (with/against somebody)
to join with other people or groups in order to oppose an enemy. longman.
cause / cause of
an aim, belief, or organization that a group of people support or fight for: My father fought for the Nationalist cause. longman.
hopeful as a noun

someone who is hoping to be successful, especially in acting, sports, politics etc: Thousands of young hopefuls were auditioned for the role.


level criticism/charges/accusations etc at/against somebody
to aim criticism etc at a particular person, country etc, especially publicly. longman.
a tool, especially one used for outdoor physical work. longman.
to put something back where it was before: He replaced the book on the shelf. longman.
it pains somebody to do something — used to say that it is very difficult and upsetting for someone to have to do something. longman.
tell / teller

someone who counts votes. The original sense of tell is retained in the word teller:

  • One who counts or keeps tally; now esp. one who counts money; spec. an officer in a bank who receives or pays money over the counter. longman.
to demand and get something from someone by using threats, force etc. exact something from somebody: “I exacted a promise from Ros that she wouldn’t say a word”. exact revenge (on somebody). longman.
to make something unpleasant begin: “And now the anger Maggie had feared was loosed”. longman.
to look at someone or something carefully, especially because you do not trust them or because you want something: “The man behind the desk eyed us suspiciously”. longman.
giving careful attention to something so that you think about nothing else: “his intent gaze”, intent on/upon. longman.