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Rare Words

Barron’s sets

Set 01 Set 02 Set 03 Set 04 Set 05
inveigh (80e-7) gesticulate (67e-7) doddering (87e-7) importune (56e-7) irate (668e-7)
vacillate hirsute (132e-7) abjure (247e-7) connubial (74e-7) sinecure (139e-7)
blase puissant (164e-7) recondite (255e-7) asinine (107e-7) pariah (485e-7)
recant vituperation vapid (256e-7) shibboleth (125e-7) frenetic (653e-7)
vitriolic procrastinate (252e-7) maim (266e-7) doleful (262e-7) qualm (119e-7)
pugnacious squeamish histrionic (428e-7) perpetrate (307e-7) domicile (1354e-7)
feint capitulate extol (458e-7) temerity (360e-7) fervid (159e-7)
fractious nettle (385e-7) paragon (483e-7) mien (369e-7) consternation (1280e-7)
nepotism lassitude felon (609e-7) irascible (376e-7) castigate (179e-7)
largesse felicitous (490e-7) vivacious (634e-7) diatribe (503e-7) delude (344e-7)
trenchant commodious connoisseur (675e-7) embellish (526e-7) potentate (195e-7)
adroit repulse (554e-7) culminate (698e-7) prodigy (552e-7) asperity (238e-7)
incontrovertible abhor (594e-7) glean (732e-7) puny (589e-7) sumptuous (1308e-7)
germane sabbatical obviate (738e-7) sultry (613e-7) proffer (330e-7)
succulent magnanimous inviolable (783e-7) eschew (747e-7)
comely erudite (768e-7) implore (863e-7) culpable (902e-7)
perfunctory obsolescence (811e-7) emaciated (967e-7) laudable (903e-7)
divulge (860e-7) inveterate dexterity (1488e-7) carnage (1055e-7)
Set 06 Set 07 Set 08 Set 09 Set 10
legerdemain (119e-7) complicity (2003e-7) impugn (216e-7) indoctrinate (165e-7) prognosticate (58e-7)
stentorian (183e-7) consummate (1762e-7) remiss (417e-7) interject (233e-7) dulcet (123e-7)
noisome (219e-7) insatiable (1455e-7) evanescent (714e-7) umbrage (279e-7) jeopardise (216e-7)
turpitude (261e-7) omnipotent (1443e-7) brawl (655e-7) quip (316e-7) nonentity (222e-7)
fetter (266e-7) fret (1289e-7) passe (664e-7) jaunty (465e-7) begrudge (244e-7)
aspirant (529e-7) antiquated (1167e-7) infamy (917e-7) bristle (512e-7) fulsome (288e-7)
profligate (656e-7) indigent (1028e-7) impertinent (930e-7) contrite (577e-7) interloper (288e-7)
gregarious (683e-7) exult / exultation (952e-7) drudgery (971e-7) peruse (583e-7) surfeit (346e-7)
aegis (791e-7) afflict (681e-7) demeanor (1021e-7) assiduous (589e-7) encumbrance (385e-7)
emissary (813e-7) bane (675e-7) quell (1062e-7) evince (613e-7) apostate (553e-7)
inordinate (1080e-7) dregs (660e-7) delve (1111e-7) nondescript (724e-7) unconscionable (584e-7)
construe (1138e-7) brash (639e-7) cursory (1399e-7) supplication (958e-7) gullible (662e-7)
persevere (1233e-7) cupidity (357e-7) itinerant (1419e-7) stipulate (964e-7) rabid (711e-7)
complacent (1284e-7) mollify (263e-7) indiscriminate (1432e-7) frustrate (1104e-7) levity (766e-7)
diminutive (1516e-7) venial (247e-7) supine (1635e-7) curtail (1117e-7) allay (932e-7)
bona fide (1634e-7) potpourri (206e-7) wan (1411e-7) vestige (935e-7)
perspicacious (115e-7) skirmish (1220e-7) wane (940e-7)
retort (1325e-7) bulwark (953e-7)
strident (996e-7)
flagrant (1038e-7)
indolent (1052e-7)
paucity (1382e-7)
sanguine (1481e-7)


1 2 3 4 5
schadenfreude (54e-7) lacerate (64e-7) murmuration (3e-7) shivoo (0.1e-7) crapulous (11e-7)
botch (92e-7) dither (146e-7) senectitude laterigrade (0.1e-7) parergon (20e-7)
collude (296e-7) sensitize handsel (9e-7) fallals (3e-7) equivoque
aplomb ingratiate certifiable (85e-7) froideur cloudland
skittish fumble (392e-7) skulk asseverate (12e-7) ataraxia (35e-7)
benighted (-ness) vibe de rigueur fulminate contumacious
loathe flaunt dabble (217e-7) ostracize umbra
muddle (705e-7) grope (438e-7) adjourn lackadaisical cerulean
congregate derail rescind (565e-7) bedlam antic (157e-7)
petrified deplete plenitude aloofness boorish
commendable cringe frolic quagmire (492e-7) corpulent
fledgling brackish (673e-7) rectitude multitudinous bilious (333e-7)
vindication (1289e-7) scour blatantly (984e-7) amass bellicose
penchant perishing inadvertent modus operandi calamitous
tally faux flair igneous baleful (445e-7)
meagre affront (1235e-7) heiress garner defamatory
deteriorate allotment lousy (1401e-7) egregious foreboding (1093e-7)
provenance (1627e-7) subsumed (1564e-7) savvy (1778e-7) interminable (1393e-7) concomitant (3237e-7)
6 7 8 9 10
equanimous (11e-7) puckish (40e-7) paralogize (0.06e-7) oscitant (0.5e-7) cris de coeur (1e-7)
hubristic platitudinous (63e-7) bonzer (3.6e-7) spoony (10e-7) fugacious (14e-7)
effulgent (91e-7) mordant (236e-7) muckrake (6e-7) uxorious (37e-7) susurration (17e-7)
dowdy (204e-7) pendulous (244e-7) rebarbative (23e-7) sine die (56e-7) shrive (27e-7)
feckless (219e-7) munificent ruminative (83e-7) dudgeon (112e-7) beastie (42e-7)
fecund impish (296e-7) risible (124e-7) noblesse oblige (116e-7) scapegrace (69e-7)
gustatory querulous (319e-7) salubrious (254e-7) wheedling (140e-7) runnel (89e-7)
dilatory (283e-7) petulant (480e-7) sclerotic (292e-7) turgid (248e-7) stevedore (99e-7)
fulsome cranky (602e-7) taciturn voluble (340e-7) desuetude (99e-7)
execrable (308e-7) parsimonious (613e-7) redolent statecraft (549e-7) aleatory (108e-7)
guile(-less) nefarious sagacious (628e-7) tempestuous (598e-7) lorn (104e-7)
garrulous obtuse (748e-7) serpentine ravenous (687e-7) saturnine (134e-7)
histrionic propitious reticent verdant vainglorious (156e-7)
effusive (437e-7) quiescent (903e-7) recalcitrant (1148e-7) voracious (769e-7) rambunctious (227e-7)
incendiary frugal (927e-7) tenacious tremulous (919e-7) juggernaut (282e-7)
fastidious (938e-7) auspicious (1486e-7) evocative withering (1120e-7) serendipity (334e-7)
insolent noxious (1550e-7) discerning (1840e-7) zealous (2477e-7) demure (539e-7)
efficacious (1820e-7) pernicious (2114e-7) obstinate (2042e-7) ubiquitous (4151e-7) meritorious (1109e-7)
11 12 13 14 15
petrichor (0.3e-7) umbrous (0.9e-7) green-collar (0.2e-7) jamboree (55e-7) nitpicky (11e-7)
defenestrate (2e-7) brumous (1e-7) coruscant (2e-7) minx (66e-7) sashay (34e-7)
hagridden (3e-7) sesquipedalian (11e-7) conglobate (2e-7) damnedest (160e-7) interdigitate (42e-7)
obfuscatory (19e-7) tenebrous (41e-7) kerfuffle (8e-7) beeline (194e-7) tartness (61e-7)
frowzy (27e-7) vagary (53e-7) pulchritude (30e-7) infest (213e-7) inundate (136e-7)
dulcet (123e-7) sophomoric (78e-7) pollyanna (153e-7) repartee (259e-7) infuriate (146e-7)
gloaming (147e-7) euphony (84e-7) craven (205e-7) rekindle (332e-7) deliriously (175e-7)
insouciance (169e-7) irrefragable (102e-7) demur (222e-7) jettison (358e-7) splurge (188e-7)
circumlocution (176e-7) pellucid (145e-7) perfidious (247e-7) clairvoyant (386e-7) immiscible (290e-7)
antediluvian (218e-7) imbroglio (162e-7) scintillating (286e-7) unflinching (388e-7) innervate (350e-7)
acerbic (272e-7) propinquity (173e-7) opprobrium (346e-7) artisanal (496e-7) humdrum (361e-7)
celerity (319e-7) meed (175e-7) lacuna (427e-7) sheen (966e-7) squirm (448e-7)
blithe (375e-7) salacious (251e-7) smattering (444e-7) impromptu (1001e-7) blankly (808e-7)
abrogate (396e-7) palimpsest (281e-7) inchoate (620e-7) malevolent (1131e-7) profuse (809e-7)
abstruse (553e-7) quibble (320e-7) quandary (668e-7) sophomore (1143e-7) imperceptible (888e-7)
circumspect (680e-7) timorous (334e-7) avarice (823e-7) hiatus (1144e-7) thither (906e-7)
inculcate (771e-7) sonorous (747e-7) onus (929e-7) nourish (1401e-7) crux (1272e-7)
indefatigable (988e-7) specious (754e-7) succinct (1288e-7) tenet (1401e-7) veracity (1286e-7)
16 17 18 19 20
greeb (0.2e-7) comfortingly (132e-7) ultracrepidarian (0.3e-7) athleisure (0.2e-7) maffick (0.9e-7)
tantalize (88e-7) unbeknownst (269e-7) forgettery (1e-7) notabilia (5e-7) cannikin (1e-7)
toupee (93e-7) blip (281e-7) holus-bolus (3e-7) true-blue (45e-7) divagate (2e-7)
mockingbird (115e-7) idiosyncrasy (295e-7) chinwag (4e-7) centenarian (54e-7) exurb (5e-7)
misogynistic (245e-7) surreptitious (444e-7) moggy (6e-7) centenarian (72e-7) malinger (22e-7)
impersonate (255e-7) perilously (446e-7) memoriter (12e-7) puffery (84e-7) perambulator (48e-7)
prescience (338e-7) meander (580e-7) purloin (41e-7) prelapsarian (104e-7) sotto voce (131e-7)
goatee (362e-7) valour (673e-7) slumberous (53e-7) brinkmanship (104e-7) dissemble (150e-7)
relegate (387e-7) inequity (824e-7) oleaginous (56e-7) hireling (105e-7) ovine (203e-7)
vexing (615e-7) culpable (902e-7) limerick (104e-7) immortalize (133e-7) amalgamate (206e-7)
lurk (685e-7) incredulous (938e-7) Luddite (117e-7) vim (178e-7) invigorate (259e-7)
candour (715e-7) sprawl (1001e-7) cantankerous (269e-7) castigate (179e-7) awestruck (289e-7)
irritate (914e-7) pejorative (1009e-7) winsome (286e-7) conflate (344e-7) exculpatory (355e-7)
corroborate (917e-7) implicate (1011e-7) imprimatur (308e-7) hedonism (561e-7) fete (367e-7)
knack (1156e-7) compendium (1030e-7) digression (729e-7) irate (668e-7) instantiate (501e-7)
permeate (1182e-7) blasphemy (1164e-7) superlative (754e-7) conflagration (746e-7) conundrum (721e-7)
infiltrate (1289e-7) docile (1206e-7) placid (1023e-7) coalesce (999e-7) jumble (1009e-7)
volition (1676e-7) conjugal (1329e-7) bewilderment (1201e-7) ire (1136e-7) inalienable (1203e-7)
21 22 23 24 25
lickspittle (8e-7) sole meuniere (6e-7) mussitation (0.3e-7) minatory (42e-7) smaragdine( 0.6e-7)
dairymaid (21e-7) beleaguer (11e-7) incogitant (0.3e-7) jejune (71e-7) mumpsimus (1e-7)
aubergine (104e-7) dingbat (28e-7) daymare (2e-7) lachrymose (74e-7) sumpsimus (1e-7)
groveling (128e-7) doula (55e-7) consuetude (5e-7) meretricious chatoyant (5e-7)
footloose (194e-7) pyrrhic (76e-7) kibitzer (10e-7) mendacious vulpine (23e-7)
meritocracy (337e-7) satiate (102e-7) ululate (11e-7) loquacious Weltschmerz (33e-7)
prowl (391e-7) plod (164e-7) banausic (17e-7) jocular (329e-7) vaunting (62e-7)
gibberish (404e-7) janitorial (195e-7) confabulate (23e-7) puerile nescience (119e-7)
circuitous (568e-7) commode (300e-7) hobbyhorse (39e-7) intransigent (396e-7) canard (158e-7)
lustrous (584e-7) spendthrift (302e-7) verisimilar (45e-7) limpid platitude (177e-7)
matrimony (672e-7) leek (344e-7) fructify (46e-7) stilted overwinter (204e-7)
stupendous (701e-7) sleight (440e-7) ruth (79e-7) invidious (600e-7) orogeny (207e-7)
woo (705e-7) crass (583e-7) lineament (80e-7) irksome (662e-7) malfeasance (302e-7)
conspire (713e-7) florid (655e-7) sinecure (139e-7) mannered coterminous (344e-7)
retaliate (878e-7) rife 1(107e-7) gravid (216e-7) resentful comportment (368e-7)
purportedly (1039e-7) sluggish (1605e-7) exterminate (537e-7) obnoxious (1504e-7) ostensible (1045e-7)
variegated (1061e-7) exodus (2185e-7) iconoclastic (552e-7) contemptuous (1600e-7) ameliorate (1172e-7)
hamper (1241e-7) reconnaissance (2695e-7) mumbling (662e-7)
26 27 28 29 30
slugfest (22e-7) trothplight (3e-7) ultracrepidarian (0.1e-7) septenary 16 daunt
skitter (62e-7) sibylline (32e-7) forgettery (1e-7) gramarye 2 obstruct
regurgitate (123e-7) elate (35e-7) holus-bolus (3e-7) antinomy 301 obstreperous
abstemious (160e-7) expostulate (35e-7) memoriter (4e-7) mickle 17 obdurate
expunge (213e-7) mesmerize (68e-7) luddite (6e-7) incommunicado obstinate
fusiform (302e-7) distend (104e-7) slumberous (27e-7) dilapidated occlude
rummage (304e-7) coagulate (167e-7) oleaginous (38e-7) ramshackle draggle
ardour (448e-7) miniscule (175e-7) true-blue (43e-7) imbue sulky
jubilant (602e-7) flout (242e-7) ramification (201e-7) nonplussed horrendous
acquiesce (901e-7) foreshadow (321e-7) winsome (210e-7) peeve insolence
chagrin (961e-7) inane (363e-7) cantankerous (265e-7) befuddle imperious
abomination (977e-7) sui generis (506e-7) imprimatur (338e-7) dislodge carnation
promiscuous (1124e-7) hedonism (633e-7) ironclad (451e-7) prevaricate mingle
haphazard (1422e-7) crevice (662e-7) yank (459e-7) mayhem preoccupy
elucidate (1639e-7) encumbered (679e-7) wiggle (514e-7) recluse engross
affluence (1657e-7) inconsequential (1160e-7) camaraderie (1029e-7) beguile moribund
sojourn (1739e-7) insurmountable (1341e-7) poky chance upon
squalid afore
disparage bustling
31 32 33 34 35
merrily benevolence brumal featly patrician
convene attenuate bedizen stardust objurgate
livid arete bunglesome obsequiously maladroit
alacrity brachylogy gadzookery sepulcher lenity
intertwine pervious solitudinarian watershed kismet
unsheathe palmy fantasticate vulnerary innuendo
acumen logomachy oblivescence vatic deracinate
ditto literatim decathect upbraid denouement
flit gerontocracy paralipsis turncoat clandestine
marshy abridge naissance truckle circumferential
exacerbate daily-breader hyetal terse cervine
exasperate mishpocha goldilock sprout berate
scold apopemptic earworm silver-tongued behindhand
vertigo abubble instauration reverie aerie
virago valedictory cerebrate reproach aberration
splinter tidings suspiration pullulate perk
sliver tabernacle tattersall pestiferous obscene
salver pinguid craic peculate throngs
malapropism enrapture shambles aflame valiant
36 37 38 39 40
tire out moot plead ravel pant
holistically deject growl courteous languid
trotting avow snappishly dwindle indignantly
splendour assent pretext delirium hookah
scurry paramour oyster dashing hiss
queer illicit succour stoop faint
crease abode credulous rumbling coax
borough abyss banter shriek chrysalis
pliable premeditate orderly chimney buttercup
embarked bristling peering fluster actuarial
entrapment shrill vivisection barrowful startle
inadmissible frown shatter hoarsely tedious
conferred crossly gasp sternly batler
cane gravely grok wretched shack
heckler titter manky trample subdue
inanimate thimble belch thistle sob
trudge comfit dianthus serpent wriggle
surfeit bow hideousness piteous nibble
41 42 43 44 45
edict livery mournfully forthright crimson
impale footman treacle encroach mallet
frizzy disembark bawl adage furrow
mediocrity crouch unruffle glimmer eldritch
egalitarian renounce adduce bespoke espouse
austerity solemn shrine inflagrante fervour
rabies uncivil emeritus paddle smorgasbord
den lullaby tentative spinster reel
affectively howl stifle candidly derision
intermingle grunt preposterous clogs tread
wisp fling snazzy backcomb porpoise
disdain cauldron hedgerow spanner flapper
trot litany muppet ratsbane drawl
bough impartial wade coiffure caper
thatch abruptly deliberation cognate askance
meekly swift sordid oblong tureen
wearily fleet adjudicator merrily dainty
twinkling fallibility pristine bequeath bailout
46 47 48 49 50
flurry sanctuary keep/stay schtum paunchy cognisant
diligent encomium heinous tubby mildewed
rustle smithereens abominable rotund debacle
vagaries epitomise resplendent pudgy entice
miscreant newfangled dauntless chubby cede
gimmick virulent plucky chunky divestiture
admonition slovenly intrepid burly floosie
mixed blessing pundit/punditry valorous waft addenda
imprudent lampoon listless droll sever
elation spout savoury beget remit
foil jab raze befriend exhilaration
flabbergasted slant enthralling abet disquieting
consecrated crumble spellbind indolent scawl
precariously audacious enchanting runt adulation
scribble leeway bewitching exiguous yearn
doodle loitering luxuriate in amiss pinnacle
scrawl instigate devour assailant devour
hazy stallion topple belittle admonition
raucous verbiage fallacious mortified cinder
vilify posthaste retract transfix
51 52
trepidation apanthropinization
shirk gongoozler
scoundrel kakistocracy
precipice ergophobia
aberrant snollygoster
torporific abliguration
logrolling wamblecropt
atemporal grumbletonians
cruciverbalist grufeling
rapprochement apricate
nostrum kickshaw
mealy-mouthed slugabed
hearth cockalorum
fortitude lady-star
  • ardent - uxorious
  • morass - predicament
  • retch vomit gag
  • screech - shriek
  • sever - shear
  • sling - chuck
  • sotto voce - ant stentorian
  • staunch - second
  • tether - be at the end of your tether
  • unbecoming
  • unrequited
  • solace
  • strife
  • transfigure