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Talks & Articles

signed vs unsigned int’s — performance-wise

CppCon 2016: Chandler Carruth

Non-constant constant-exspressions in C++

// <insert solution here>
int main () {
   constexpr int a = f ();
   constexpr int b = f ();

   static_assert (a != b, "fail");


When fences and weak ordering needed

CppCon 2016: Hans Boehm “Using weakly ordered C++ atomics correctly”

C++17 overview


C++ and exceptions


Embracing (and also Destroying) Variant Types Safely - Andrei Alexandrescu - CppCon 2021

  • Usage of parameter packs (head, tail, type_sequence).

clang libAST

An example of parsing C++ code.

Unwinding a Stack by Hand with Frame Pointers and ORC

A great article about stack unwinding.

Getting symbol names by their addresses:

addr2line -e /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/5.4.17-2136.304.4.1.el8uek.x86_64/vmlinux \
            -j .text -ipfas                                                       \
            0x30d178 0x2fb393 0x2fc1c9 0x2fd20d 0x301a80 0x301c3e 0x2f4437 0x2f55e4 0x2f5644 0x44f0 0xa001b8

0x000000000030d178: read_word_at_a_time at compiler.h:350
 (inlined by) dentry_string_cmp at dcache.c:252
 (inlined by) dentry_cmp at dcache.c:406
 (inlined by) __d_lookup_rcu at dcache.c:2672
0x00000000002fb393: lookup_fast at namei.c:1659

Early return patter

Total functions vs Partial functions

Let’s say instead of having a precondition that the range is non-empty, I want to handle that case too. I want to write a total function instead of a partial function. The best way to do that is either return some value (if I can) or no value (if I can’t). That’s an optional, that’s what it’s for: to handle returning something or nothing.

SIMD in C++20

Standard library algorithms implementation using SIMD.

Generate tuple consisting of N types

template <class T, size_t N>
struct GenerateTNTimes {
   template <size_t Index>
   using AlwaysT = T;

   template <class = std::make_index_sequence<N>>
   struct Impl;

   template <size_t... Indices>
      struct Impl<std::index_sequence<Indices...>> {
      using type = std::tuple<AlwaysT<Indices>...>;

using type = typename Impl<>::type;


Projection — the 3rd argument

Example 1:

struct Product {
    std::string name_;
    double value_ { 0.0 };
const auto                 is_positive = [](const auto& v) { return v > 0; };
const std::vector<Product> prods       = {{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"none", -1.0}};
auto res = std::ranges::all_of(prods, is_positive, &Product::value_);

Example 2, case insensitive search

res = std::ranges::search(testString2,

Views compositon — |:

auto out = [](const auto& v) { std::cout << v << ", "; };
std::ranges::for_each(prods | std::views::reverse, out, &Product::name_);

temporary ranges & std::ranges::dangling

There is a special type that is returned when a function is called with a temporary value:

std::vector<Product> GetProds() {...}

auto it = std::ranges::find_if(GetProds(), [](const Product& p) { return true});

will result in:

<source>:22:48: error: base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'std::ranges::dangling'
   22 |     std::cout << "std::ranges::find_if: " << it->name_ << '\n';

Erase–remove idiom

prodsVec.erase(std::ranges::remove_if(prodsVec, checkNoPrefix).begin(), prodsVec.end());

// or
std::erase_if(prodsVec, checkNoPrefix);



  • Better error messages.
  • Faster compilation checks can be performed before instantiating and parsing a template function/class.
  • Glorified std::enable_if_t.

Constraining return type

Use arrow: ->:

template<class T>
concept BoolComparable = requires(T lhs, T rhs) {
   {lhs == rhs} -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
   { shape.draw() }; -> std::same_as<void>;

Constraints for multiple types

Consider heterogeneous comparison ("asdf" == std::string("asdf")):

template<class T, class U>
concept EqualityCompare = requires(T op_T, U op_U) {
   {op_T == op_U} -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
   {op_U == op_T} -> std::convertible_to<bool>;

template<class T, EqualityCompare<T> U>
bool are_equal(const T op_T, const U op_U) {...}

template<class T, class U> requires EqualityCompare<T, U>
bool are_equal(const T op_T, const  U op_U) {...}

bool are_equal(const auto op_T, const auto op_U)
requires EqualityCompare<declytpe(op_T), decltype(op_U)> {...}

Using concepts as parameters

void drawShape(const ShapeConcept auto &shape) {
template<class ShapeConcept>
void drawShape(const ShapeConcept &shape) {

Using concepts as return types

ShapeConcept auto getShape() {
auto getShape() -> ShapeConcept auto {

Reference collapsing rules

A good explanation of rvalues.


template<typename T> 
void foo(T&&);

There is a special template argument deduction rule for function templates that take an argument by rvalue reference to a template argument:

  • When foo() is called on an lvalue of type A, then T resolves to A& and hence, by the reference collapsing rules above, the argument type effectively becomes A&.
  • When foo() is called on an rvalue of type A, then T resolves to A, and hence the argument type becomes A&&.

auto vs decltype


rvalue is an xvalue if it is one of the following:

  • A function call where the function’s return value is declared as an rvalue reference. An example would be std::move(x).
  • A cast to an rvalue reference. An example would be static_cast<A&&>(a).
  • A member access of an xvalue. Example: (static_cast<A&&>(a)).m_x.

All other rvalues are prvalues. We are now in a position to describe how decltype deduces the type of a complex expression.

Let expr be an expression that is not a plain, unparenthesized variable, function parameter, or class member access. Let T be the type of expr.

  • If expr is an lvalue, then decltype(expr) is T&.
  • If expr is an xvalue, then decltype(expr) is T&&.
  • Otherwise, expr is a prvalue, and decltype(expr) is T.


Consider the following:

class TString {
    TString()                           { std::cout << "ctor()"       << std::endl; }
    TString(const char *)               { std::cout << "ctor(char *)" << std::endl; }
    TString(const TString &)            { std::cout << "ctor const &" << std::endl; }
    TString &operator=(const TString &) { std::cout << "= const &"    << std::endl; return *this; }
    TString(TString &&)                 { std::cout << "ctor &&"      << std::endl; }
    TString &operator=(TString &&)      { std::cout << "= &&&"        << std::endl; return *this; }

TString Meow() {
  return "Meow";

  // ------ or ------
  return TString("Meow");

  // ------ or ------
  TString a("Meow");
  return a;

int main() {
  TString s = Meow();
  return 0;

The output is just

ctor(char *)

As you can see there is no things like: (1) construct temporary string in the function Meow, (2) construct string s in main, (3) call s.operator=, (4) destruct temporary string (constructed in Meow).

Instead of it just a single ctor called.

Lesser known C++ std algorithms

Full list.


Non-modifying sequence operations

Modifying sequence operations


C++ Core Guidelines excerpts

C.138: Create an overload set for a derived class and its bases with using


Without a using declaration, member functions in the derived class hide the entire inherited overload sets.

Example, bad
#include <iostream>
class B {
    virtual int f(int i) { std::cout << "f(int): "; return i; }
    virtual double f(double d) { std::cout << "f(double): "; return d; }
    virtual ~B() = default;
class D: public B {
    int f(int i) override { std::cout << "f(int): "; return i + 1; }
int main()
    D d;
    std::cout << d.f(2) << '\n';   // prints "f(int): 3"
    std::cout << d.f(2.3) << '\n'; // prints "f(int): 3"
Example, good
class D: public B {
    int f(int i) override { std::cout << "f(int): "; return i + 1; }
    using B::f; // exposes f(double)

This issue affects both virtual and non-virtual member functions

For variadic bases, C++17 introduced a variadic form of the using-declaration,

template<class... Ts>
struct Overloader : Ts... {
    using Ts::operator()...; // exposes operator() from every base

C.165: Use using for customization points


To find function objects and functions defined in a separate namespace to “customize” a common function.


Consider swap. It is a general (standard-library) function with a definition that will work for just about any type. However, it is desirable to define specific swap()’s for specific types. For example, the general swap() will copy the elements of two vectors being swapped, whereas a good specific implementation will not copy elements at all.

namespace N {
    My_type X { /* ... */ };
    void swap(X&, X&);   // optimized swap for N::X
    // ...

void f1(N::X& a, N::X& b)
    std::swap(a, b);   // probably not what we wanted: calls std::swap()

The std::swap() in f1() does exactly what we asked it to do: it calls the swap() in namespace std. Unfortunately, that’s probably not what we wanted. How do we get N::X considered?

void f2(N::X& a, N::X& b) {
    swap(a, b);   // calls N::swap

But that might not be what we wanted for generic code. There, we typically want the specific function if it exists and the general function if not. This is done by including the general function in the lookup for the function:

void f3(N::X& a, N::X& b) {
    using std::swap;  // make std::swap available
    swap(a, b);       // calls N::swap if it exists, otherwise std::swap

C.129: When designing a class hierarchy, distinguish between implementation inheritance and interface inheritance


Implementation details in an interface make the interface brittle; that is, make its users vulnerable to having to recompile after changes in the implementation. Data in a base class increases the complexity of implementing the base and can lead to replication of code.

Interface inheritance:

is the use of inheritance to separate users from implementations, in particular to allow derived classes to be added and changed without affecting the users of base classes.

Implementation inheritance:
is the use of inheritance to simplify implementation of new facilities by making useful operations available for implementers of related new operations (sometimes called “programming by difference”).

A pure interface class is simply a set of pure virtual functions; see I.25.

In early OOP (e.g., in the 1980s and 1990s), implementation inheritance and interface inheritance were often mixed and bad habits die hard. Even now, mixtures are not uncommon in old code bases and in old-style teaching material.

The importance of keeping the two kinds of inheritance increases

  • with the size of a hierarchy (e.g., dozens of derived classes),
  • with the length of time the hierarchy is used (e.g., decades), and
  • with the number of distinct organizations in which a hierarchy is used (e.g., it can be difficult to distribute an update to a base class)
Example, bad:
class Shape {   // BAD, mixed interface and implementation
    Shape(Point ce = {0, 0}, Color co = none): cent{ce}, col {co} { /* ... */}

    Point center() const { return cent; }
    Color color() const { return col; }

    virtual void rotate(int) = 0;
    virtual void move(Point p) { cent = p; redraw(); }

    virtual void redraw();

    // ...
    Point cent;
    Color col;

class Circle : public Shape {
    Circle(Point c, int r) : Shape{c}, rad{r} { /* ... */ }

    // ...
    int rad;

class Triangle : public Shape {
    Triangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3); // calculate center
    // ...


  • As the hierarchy grows and more data is added to Shape, the constructors get harder to write and maintain.
  • Why calculate the center for the Triangle? we might never use it.
  • Add a data member to Shape (e.g., drawing style or canvas) and all classes derived from Shape and all code using Shape will need to be reviewed, possibly changed, and probably recompiled.

The implementation of Shape::move() is an example of implementation inheritance: we have defined move() once and for all for all derived classes. The more code there is in such base class member function implementations and the more data is shared by placing it in the base, the more benefits we gain — and the less stable the hierarchy is.

This Shape hierarchy can be rewritten using interface inheritance:

class Shape {  // pure interface
    virtual Point center() const = 0;
    virtual Color color() const = 0;

    virtual void rotate(int) = 0;
    virtual void move(Point p) = 0;

    virtual void redraw() = 0;

    // ...

Note that a pure interface rarely has constructors: there is nothing to construct.

class Circle : public Shape {
    Circle(Point c, int r, Color c) : cent{c}, rad{r}, col{c} { /* ... */ }

    Point center() const override { return cent; }
    Color color() const override { return col; }

    // ...
    Point cent;
    int rad;
    Color col;

The interface is now less brittle, but there is more work in implementing the member functions. For example, center has to be implemented by every class derived from Shape.

Dual hierarchy

How can we gain the benefit of stable hierarchies from implementation hierarchies and the benefit of implementation reuse from implementation inheritance? One popular technique is dual hierarchies. There are many ways of implementing the idea of dual hierarchies; here, we use a multiple-inheritance variant.

First we devise a hierarchy of interface classes:

class Shape {   // pure interface
    virtual Point center() const = 0;
    virtual Color color() const = 0;

    virtual void rotate(int) = 0;
    virtual void move(Point p) = 0;

    virtual void redraw() = 0;

    // ...

class Circle : public virtual Shape {   // pure interface
    virtual int radius() = 0;
    // ...

To make this interface useful, we must provide its implementation classes (here, named equivalently, but in the Impl namespace):

class Impl::Shape : public virtual ::Shape { // implementation
    // constructors, destructor
    // ...
    Point center() const override { /* ... */ }
    Color color() const override { /* ... */ }

    void rotate(int) override { /* ... */ }
    void move(Point p) override { /* ... */ }

    void redraw() override { /* ... */ }

    // ...

Now Shape is a poor example of a class with an implementation, but bear with us because this is just a simple example of a technique aimed at more complex hierarchies.

class Impl::Circle : public virtual ::Circle, public Impl::Shape {   // implementation
    // constructors, destructor

    int radius() override { /* ... */ }
    // ...

And we could extend the hierarchies by adding a Smiley class ( :-) ):

class Smiley : public virtual Circle { // pure interface
    // ...

class Impl::Smiley : public virtual ::Smiley, public Impl::Circle {   // implementation
    // constructors, destructor
    // ...

There are now two hierarchies:

  • interface: Smiley -> Circle -> Shape
  • implementation: Impl::Smiley -> Impl::Circle -> Impl::Shape

Since each implementation is derived from its interface as well as its implementation base class we get a lattice (DAG):

Smiley     ->         Circle     ->  Shape
  ^                     ^               ^
  |                     |               |
Impl::Smiley -> Impl::Circle -> Impl::Shape

As mentioned, this is just one way to construct a dual hierarchy.

The implementation hierarchy can be used directly, rather than through the abstract interface.

void work_with_shape(Shape&);

int user() {
    Impl::Smiley my_smiley{ /* args */ };   // create concrete shape
    // ...
    my_smiley.some_member();        // use implementation class directly
    // ...
    work_with_shape(my_smiley);     // use implementation through abstract interface
    // ...

This can be useful when the implementation class has members that are not offered in the abstract interface or if direct use of a member offers optimization opportunities (e.g., if an implementation member function is final).


Another (related) technique for separating interface and implementation is Pimpl.


There is often a choice between offering common functionality as (implemented) base class functions and free-standing functions (in an implementation namespace). Base classes gives a shorter notation and easier access to shared data (in the base) at the cost of the functionality being available only to users of the hierarchy.

R.37: Do not pass a pointer or reference obtained from an aliased smart pointer


Violating this rule is the number one cause of losing reference counts and finding yourself with a dangling pointer. Functions should prefer to pass raw pointers and references down call chains. At the top of the call tree where you obtain the raw pointer or reference from a smart pointer that keeps the object alive. You need to be sure that the smart pointer cannot inadvertently be reset or reassigned from within the call tree below.


To do this, sometimes you need to take a local copy of a smart pointer, which firmly keeps the object alive for the duration of the function and the call tree.


Consider this code:

// global (static or heap), or aliased local ...
shared_ptr<widget> g_p = ...;

void f(widget& w) {
    use(w);  // A

void g() {
    g_p = ...; // oops, if this was the last shared_ptr to that widget, destroys the widget

The following should not pass code review:

void my_code() {
    // BAD: passing pointer or reference obtained from a non-local smart pointer
    //      that could be inadvertently reset somewhere inside f or its callees

    // BAD: same reason, just passing it as a "this" pointer

The fix is simple — take a local copy of the pointer to “keep a ref count” for your call tree:

void my_code() {
    // cheap: 1 increment covers this entire function and all the call trees below us
    auto pin = g_p;

    // GOOD: passing pointer or reference obtained from a local unaliased smart pointer

    // GOOD: same reason

ES.50: Don’t cast away const


It makes a lie out of const. If the variable is actually declared const, modifying it results in undefined behavior.

Example, bad
void f(const int& x) {
    const_cast<int&>(x) = 42;   // BAD

static int i = 0;
static const int j = 0;

f(i); // silent side effect
f(j); // undefined behavior

Sometimes, you might be tempted to resort to const_cast to avoid code duplication, such as when two accessor functions that differ only in const-ness have similar implementations. For example:

class Bar;

class Foo {
    // BAD, duplicates logic
    Bar& get_bar() {
        /* complex logic around getting a non-const reference to my_bar */
    const Bar& get_bar() const {
        /* same complex logic around getting a const reference to my_bar */
    Bar my_bar;

Instead, prefer to share implementations. Normally, you can just have the non-const function call the const function. However, when there is complex logic this can lead to the following pattern that still resorts to a const_cast:

class Foo {
    // not great, non-const calls const version but resorts to const_cast
    Bar& get_bar() {
        return const_cast<Bar&>(static_cast<const Foo&>(*this).get_bar());
    const Bar& get_bar() const {
        /* the complex logic around getting a const reference to my_bar */
    Bar my_bar;

Although this pattern is safe when applied correctly, because the caller must have had a non-const object to begin with, it’s not ideal because the safety is hard to enforce automatically as a checker rule.

Instead, prefer to put the common code in a common helper function — and make it a template so that it deduces const. This doesn’t use any const_cast at all:

class Foo {
public:                         // good
          Bar& get_bar()       { return get_bar_impl(*this); }
    const Bar& get_bar() const { return get_bar_impl(*this); }
    Bar my_bar;

    template<class T>           // good, deduces whether T is const or non-const
    static auto& get_bar_impl(T& t)
        { /* the complex logic around getting a possibly-const reference to my_bar */ }

Note: Don’t do large non-dependent work inside a template, which leads to code bloat. For example, a further improvement would be if all or part of get_bar_impl can be non-dependent and factored out into a common non-template function, for a potentially big reduction in code size.


You might need to cast away const when calling const-incorrect functions. Prefer to wrap such functions in inline const-correct wrappers to encapsulate the cast in one place.


Sometimes, “cast away const” is to allow the updating of some transient information of an otherwise immutable object. Examples are caching, memoization, and precomputation. Such examples are often handled as well or better using mutable or an indirection than with a const_cast.

Consider keeping previously computed results around for a costly operation:

int compute(int x); // compute a value for x; assume this to be costly

class Cache {   // some type implementing a cache for an int->int operation
    pair<bool, int> find(int x) const;  // is there a value for x?
    void set(int x, int v);             // make y the value for x
    // ...
    // ...

class X {
    int get_val(int x)  {
        auto p = cache.find(x);
        if (p.first) 
           return p.second;
        int val = compute(x);
        cache.set(x, val); // insert value for x
        return val;
    // ...
    Cache cache;

Here, get_val() is logically constant, so we would like to make it a const member. To do this we still need to mutate cache, so people sometimes resort to a const_cast:

class X {   // Suspicious solution based on casting
    int get_val(int x) const  {
        auto p = cache.find(x);
        if (p.first) 
           return p.second;
        int val = compute(x);
        const_cast<Cache&>(cache).set(x, val);   // ugly
        return val;
    // ...
    Cache cache;

Fortunately, there is a better solution: State that cache is mutable even for a const object:

class X {   // better solution
    int get_val(int x) const {
        auto p = cache.find(x);
        if (p.first) 
           return p.second;
        int val = compute(x);
        cache.set(x, val);
        return val;
    // ...
    mutable Cache cache;

An alternative solution would be to store a pointer to the cache:

class X {   // OK, but slightly messier solution
    int get_val(int x) const {
        auto p = cache->find(x);
        if (p.first) return p.second;
        int val = compute(x);
        cache->set(x, val);
        return val;
    // ...
    unique_ptr<Cache> cache;

That solution is the most flexible, but requires explicit construction and destruction of *cache (most likely in the constructor and destructor of X).

In any variant, we must guard against data races on the cache in multi-threaded code, possibly using a std::mutex.